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Yosemite South Rim Trip


Yosemite South Rim Trip

The outdoor world makes something of the tripartite typology of fun (see here). These are highly subjective, so I'll give it to you as we use it.

Type I fun is always fun. It is fun while you do it and it is fun when you remember it. This might be an easy hike, a leisurely bike ride, or eating ice cream. But it could also be something more strenuous, but where everything goes according to plan. 

Type II fun is not fun while you do it, but upon reflection, you think: "Nah, that wasn't so bad." Maybe it was a little bit adventurous. Perhaps a little risky. Something, perhaps, went wrong. But it wasn't catastrophic; no one was hospitalized and SAR wasn't deployed.

Type III fun... I can't comment on because we've yet to experience it. Aside from raising children.

This was a Type II fun trip.


Coyote Gulch


Coyote Gulch

To close off the summer season with the best of the best, we decided to backpack Coyote Gulch. It was probably one of the coolest places I've ever been; towering high walls and breathtaking narrows. Every turn of the canyon had a new and amazing feature that you couldn't help but photograph. We hiked about 31 miles in and out and it took us about 3 days and two nights in the dessert. Talk about big difference from hiking and camping in the High Uintas.


Red Castle


Red Castle

This is documentation of our Red Castle overnighter. Sophia's first qua-backpacking experience. First day we hiked 10 miles and the second we hiked 14. It rained almost the whole time, which was fine--kept people away, we hardly saw a soul the whole trip! Good times, but the 14 mile day was killer! :)
