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Sophie: Four Months

Sophie turns 4 months today! She is now starting to get more and more mobile! She’s able to roll over during tummy time and scoot around on her back. One time I laid her on her play mat and I walked away for a few minutes only to find that she had wormed her way under the coffee table. And so it begins… She is constantly pulling things to her mouth to chew. One of her favorite toys to mawl is her Sophie giraffe. She’s been practicing sitting up in her boppy pillow and loves to stand up on her feet! It won’t be long before we will have to move books to higher shelves and put locks on the cabinets. It’s so crazy to me how fast she is growing.

Her personality is also starting to shine through. She babbles all the time! Sometimes, in the morning, I will wake up to the sound of Sophie cooing (which is probably her telling me to get my butt out of bed). She lights up every time Daddy comes home from work. She is definitely an outdoor baby. Sophie enjoys going on hikes in her snazzy Osprey baby carrier. If she’s not babbling a story to you about her life as a baby, she’s completely knocked out. When we go camping, she’s mesmerized by the campfire. It’s the cutest thing ever to see the flames reflect in her wide-eyed gaze (Daddy’s little pyro!).