This is documentation of our Red Castle overnighter. Sophia's first qua-backpacking experience. First day we hiked 10 miles and the second we hiked 14. It rained almost the whole time, which was fine--kept people away, we hardly saw a soul the whole trip! Good times, but the 14 mile day was killer! :)Along the trail, every couple of trees had one of these "i" carved into it. Does anyone know if it is significant or just vandalism?Finally, the goal is in sight. Even though we were pretty far in the back country (we didn't see a single person almost the whole time out), the trails were very well maintained--bridges and all. Camping at the foot of Red Castle. The picture doesn't do it justice--it was really red and had bright green lichen that reflects the sun. Minus the scree field approach, it looks like there might be some cool trad lines up to the summit!Looking the other direction from our camp. It rained almost the whole way up and settled down right before dinner. The rainbow was the cherry on top. I believe the lake is called Lower Red Castle Lake.Sophie, in her natural habitat. Don't know which side of the family she gets her pyro... But... She is obsessed.The morning was really clear and the lake water was crystal--hot cider and purifying water for the day, breakfast of champions. We ditched our packs after breaking camp and jaunted up to Upper Red Castle Lake for a look-see before heading home. Our camp was down by that lower lake.
